If you cannot find your question here, feel free to contact us.
To ensure that your letters are properly identified and allocated to you, please make sure to include your company name in the address.
Once you have registered an Alternate Address, it will be displayed in ACRA’s public records instead of your residential address.
However, all official correspondences from ACRA will continue to be sent to your residential address.
For more information, pleare refer to ACRA website
Company officers, including directors, secretaries, etc., may use this address to receive business-related letters. However, regular employees are not permitted to use it for personal mail.
Please ensure that your company name is included as part of your address. If this is not possible, make sure to provide your personal name during the subscription process or update it in the client portal. However, using your personal name without the company name may increase the risk of name duplication and returned mail.
We accept mail, registered mail, and courier deliveries. However, please be advised that we do not facilitate merchandise returns, nor do we accept direct personal deliveries from customers or related parties.
For deliveries requiring the recipient’s presence, such as Work Pass, please use your own address instead of the virtual office address. To protect our staff’s privacy, we cannot complete authorization forms with personal IC details on your behalf.
To facilitate the process, the mailbox is typically opened once or twice in the morning. Afternoon deliveries will be processed on the following working day.
For urgent items, please arrange for doorstep delivery, which can be received throughout the day.
The most important part of a new mail notification is the mails in your virtual office. Each line contains the mail type, from company, to company, and attend-to person. You can determine the importance of each email based on its mail type.
The <ADV> type refers to advertising mailers, which are usually unimportant. By reviewing this information, you can save time and effort by deciding whether or not to collect the mail.
Spam guard filters out advertising flyers and unsolicited letters for you. Rest assured that no important letters will be filtered out, as we double-check them before they are discarded.
Spam guard is enabled by default. Please log in to your client portal and navigate to the Mailroom page to disable it.
Don't forget to update your subscription when you change your company name!
To do this, log in to your client portal and update the subscription details with your new company name. If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to send us a message and we'll take care of it for you.
Sometimes bank letter doesn't include the company name in the address, which makes it difficult for us to identify the intended recipient. In such cases, we request that you provide us with your personal name for identification purposes.
You may log in to your client portal and update your subscription details with your personal name. If there are multiple names that can receive letters without the company name, please input all of them, separated by commas.
Please make a self-collection schedule by replying to the new mail notification message or via client portal to avoid possible waiting.
Please indicate your ETA in the message. Our collection time is from 10:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
The virtual office address is also our mailroom. Please use lift in office lobby 2 on the side of MRT, and ring the doorbell when you arrive.
Since we are using SingPost's service, we follow the same weight and size limit as SingPost.
You can self-collect the extra mails, or use the pay-per-use forwarding service if over the limit.
Please login to client portal and click the upgrade button on the subscription you want to upgrade. If you prefer to make payment offline, simply drop us a message and we will send you upgrade instructions.
The upgrade price is pro-rated, so you won't pay for the period that you didn't use.
To renew your subscription, please log in to the client portal and click the "Renew" button next to the subscription you wish to renew.
We will also send you a renewal reminder two months before your subscription is due to expire.
You do not need to cancel your subscription, as it will expire automatically on the expiration date. Before this date, please ensure you change the registered office address to your new address to avoid mail delivery and compliance issues.
Additionally, please schedule a mail collection or arrange for mail forwarding within 30 days after the expiration date. Any mail not collected within this period will be disposed of to maintain the security and confidentiality of your correspondence.
Simply drop us a message, and pay via PayNow or bank transfer. We will then forward your mail to you.
The forwarding fee is S$3 per batch by normal mail, or S$4 with tracked letterbox delivery.
Simply drop us a message, indicating which mail you want us to scan and pay via PayNow or bank transfer. The scanning fee is S$2 per letter.
Simply drop us a message via WhatsApp or email, and we are more than happy to assist you.
You may message us any time, although our reply may be a little bit slow out of normal office hours.